Our Commitment

Commitment to Indigenous Australians

Indigenous Relations Policy

SCC is committed to achieving the Commonwealth Indigenous Procurement Policy (1st July 2015). This commitment is based on three key areas that support the development and business interaction with the indigenous community. This commitment is strengthened by our Equal Opportunity Policy that is embedded in our brand, processes, and staff to ensure positive workplace interactions.

Key Areas

Recruiting & Retention

  • Strategically attract Indigenous workers for employment,

  • Enhance job opportunities for Indigenous Australians by building and maintaining strong relationships with clients who seek a diverse workforce,

  • Promote and further develop pathways to long-term careers,

  • Ensure individual relationships with Indigenous workers and provide on-going employment mentoring/coaching.

Social Responsibility

  • Strive to work towards eliminating gaps and creating opportunities for change between Indigenous Australians and non-Indigenous Australians.

  • Provide awareness and training to companies that seek to value and respect Indigenous Australians values, traditions and culture.

  • Contribute, support and engage with programs and services that seek to promote the employment of Indigenous Australians.

Community Engagement

  • Partner with companies and organizations that demonstrate commitment to developing employment skills, training to employment, and recruiting/retention of Indigenous Australians

SCC will ensure that Indigenous Australians have equitable access to jobs, training, and education opportunities, and that Indigenous communities gain long-term sustainable benefits from projects directly impacting those communities.